Moment of inspiration

Was rushing home last night with my exhausted body after a long day, when I was pushing my way through, I felt my bag hit in something. I turned around and said sorry! To my surprise, my bag hit on an electric wheelchair, but instead of an annoyed face, I was greeted by a warm smile. The gentlemen sitting on the wheelchair was paralysed. His son was with him, who is no older than 8 years old. He waved with a smile signalling my apology was accepted.

Afterwards, they speeded on. The little kid was stepping on the stand at the back of the wheelchair. He was riding like kids playing with the supermarket trolley. I felt sorry for the immobility for the gentlemen but I didn’t see any sadness on his face. I could feel his positivity and energy through their little ride.

There are things we can’t control in life but we can control how we feel about it. Happiness is a feeling and optimism is definitely an attitude.

Cheer up! Appreciate the little thing in life that make you happy. Time will tell these little things are actually what really matter.


Inner Beauty is Your Best Makeup

How to Put On Your Face

It’s not the typical makeup tutorial video. Can’t really agree with her actual makeup skills, but definitely love the idea of the life hacking tips. Now dab yourself with optimism. Stay awesome! Be beautiful inside and out! Fabulous!

牽手 ﹣ 回憶是瑰寶





個多月後,我終於逃脫了天天首在家中,等待週末才能外出的日子,打上了第一分暑期工和迎接了新學年,認識了新朋友,感到我終於可以開始新生活。 那是第一次回中山,面對曾每天走過的街道,並熟悉又感生疏。約好了到外公外婆新居吃午飯。

短短幾個月,我連由少現到大的外婆家也遷居了。因為我沒到過新居,外公欣然說要到街口接我。終於走到太平路,老遠己看到一個熟悉的身影在心急地左顧右盼。 秋意未濃,郤已感到一點寒意,外公已經戴上冷帽,換上秋裝。我快步走到他身前,大聲叫‘楊公’。那被年華洗禮過的臉,綻放出一個燦爛的笑容。他捉緊我雙手, 把我的手放在他溫暖手中, 牽住我的手並肩走,外公的手好暖好溫柔,那一𣊬間, 沉醉於外公的慈愛中,我告訴自己我一世都會記住這段暖意。在我十多年的記憶中外公從沒如此溫柔熱情,我也完完全全沈浸外公對我的關心和疼愛中。

外公有7個孫,我既不是最年長,也不是最年幼。許多人都會有偏愛,離巷口到家也只不過5分鐘的路程,我可以說,外公對所有孫兒都同樣平等,一樣愛護我們。我的表兄妹們可能與外公有更多的相處時間,但對我來說那一天的重刻已足够令我一生回味和珍惜。 我們說過什麼,印象已很模糊,也不重要。被外公牽手那刻的溫暖才是我心中的寶藏。


